PokéBattles: Sandy Version

It is the 90s 20s and there is time for Klax PokéBattles

Ultimately the only change to the status quo of this entire arc was a new narrator, and a threat so far in the future as to be irrelevant, which is a bit of a shame, but as far as first attempts at an arc go, at least ones that lasted longer than 2 battles, I don't think this is a terrible effort.

Battle 10

SVWebmaster's complete lack of prioritization, sending out a Togepi to give it experience against a Doompuff spinoff, actually made me laugh rereading this. Aside from that, it's fairly... Normal. A couple of points I probably wouldn't do today, at least not in that way, a bunch of stuff I'm better at, and I made a plot point about how bad the Narrator's narration is with reguards to NPC dialogue, so hopefully, that will be fixed with the new Narrator.

Battle 11

The Narrator having an allergic reaction to coffee as a setup for filler. Not what I was expecting when starting to read this, but as far as concepts go it's not a bad one. As for why I did filler here, I think I might have already decided what was going to happen in 13 and needed to pad.

No clue why I'm amused by Dave2's player name.

...Please tell me that ERG wasn't a misspelling of urge, but that leading to the Narrator going into multiple ad gags is something I like. And it's all a pun on the 'adine' the Narrator was having an allergic reaction to.

I think this battle works, I'm amused when reading it and the barrage of ad-puns seems to get funnier to me just due to their quantity.

Battle 12

The That Guy gag is fun, as is the whole time travel thing. If I were writing this today I'd probably have written everything involved in the time travel at once, but... I was writing this week to week, mostly the day before I uploaded.

Something about

"EX-SVWEBMASTER appeared, from the PORTAL!
DAVIS: The champion version of SVWebmaster?

Causes me to laugh - I think it's the combination of the pun and it pretty much being something only this interpretation of Davis could come out with - which is the sort of thing that makes the experience of rereading things I wrote 22 years ago worthwhile to me.

I like that the clone stuff ties into established Sandy version stuff, but wish there were more jokes in it than Ex-SVWebmaster's font colour and Davis' line.

The end of the Battle feels rushed to me. Nothing wrong with it, but... Nothing particularly strong either.

Battle 13

Location gags. I don't do enough of them.

Detcher repeating what he said I think happens two too many times (with no twist on the third time).

For Battle 13, considering how many Battles have Dave as the player, Sandy sure had a lot of characters. And I've just noticed that except SVWebmaster and Haunter_UK they appeared in alphabetical order. Likely deliberate, but I'm surprised I did that back then.

The fundamental problem with this sort of Battle, both for writing and reading, is that there are a lot of characters launching a lot of attacks without anything really happening since, well, even death in this sort of battle doesn't feel like much has happened.

There are some good gags in here, there are some bad gags in here, there are some... Gags that result in interface screws in here, but there are too many characters for anything to really feel like it has meaning right up to the end where the version is destroyed, at least to me.

Battle 14

Surprisingly melancholy tone at the start for this era of PB, and I don't think that's entirely accidental. Some cute gags in the early portion and the argument between Ex SVWebmaster and Narrator is fun.

I don't recall what the deal with 'multiple portals to yellow version' unless I'd picked up a couple of fan battles from there that have since been eaten by time.

Portalman, as I recall, was a character who travelled from version to version, showing up in random battles from time to time, though I forget who created him originally.

When we get into the meat, Ex SVWebmaster travelling through time, there's a fun bit of misdirection with the original time travel being to 112 (I had ambitions back then, apparently), and the throw attack going wrong.

Battle 15

I want to say the battle exists for the Kanga/Kangaskhan pun but I might just have wanted to write about Bomberman.

I like the jokes around 7 identically named characters, I probably reached for the toilet humour a bit too easily during this era of Sandy, between the puke gag here and everything about Battle 7 (and, given Sandy 59 in the modern era, probably still do)

But, honestly, I think the only thing that bothers me about this battle is the repetition of Kangaskhan's attacks, and the pancake batter getting stuck to the ceiling going nowhere. The rest feels... Not my best writing, but enjoyable enough when I'm rereading it.

...Also this is how I remember writing SVWebmaster back then. But he's not wrong about the Pink Kanga being the best because of the Kanga Dance.